Thursday 2 August 2018

Role of Alarm Clocks in Achieving Healthy Sleep and Health Benefits

Alarm clocks are an inseparable part of our lives, be it in any form or appearance. You must have used it to your rescue with waking up early on examination days or maybe to catch up a train. There are various situations and needs that are served by alarm clocks and everyone has used it sometime in their lifetime. 

 But, do you know it is not just about helping you wake up but allowing you to overcome various health hazards and routine blocks by controlling and regulating sleep.

Here are the most significant roles of alarm clocks that help in achieving quality sleep and health benefits. 

Normalising sleep schedules

Alarm clocks can help keeping your sleep schedules on check and hence help you attain a better health and fitness. As you wake up around at the same time and consistently take enough sleep, it helps in normalizing your biological clock.

Peace of Mind

The people who don’t set alarm tend to wake up early or are in a state of unrest as they have it in the back of their mind that they need to get up from the sleep. Think of the time when you are in train and your station arrives at an odd hour. Setting the alarm clock they get free from this burden and anxiety and get a sound sleep and hence get peace of mind. 

Staying on society’s time

If there were no alarms to wake us up most of us would have messed up their routines and found it hard to cope-up with their routine practices and societal goals. With the help of the alarm clock you get to keep track with your daily routine and get to cover duties and obligations at a desired pace and time.

Sleep Anxiety

Well, this is among the most critical (and most of the time disguised as well) role played by alarm clocks. It helps you deal with the sleep problems and even insomnia, as you have an instrument counting the minutes for you and all you have to do is keep yourself enter the mode of sleep, inducing worry-free resting patterns. So, you get to reduce sleep anxiety with alarm clocks and this gets you good health.


When you follow a proper routine, you are free of stress. Setting alarm keeps your things on track and as a result you get least exposed to stressful moments. As a result, your day and the things are more in your control and you get to do things smoothly and calmly and with quality output. Overall, when you continue to follow such routine you are stress-free and achieve the best of health value.

Social Jetlags 

Social Jetlag is caused by the sleep deprivation caused by social demands. As per the studies two-third of adults sleeps more on weekends as compared to normal days. This is because of the uncertain working day obligations and complex routines that get people into a condition where they have to sacrifice sleep or adjust their resting time as per the societal needs.

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